Shri Rameshwar Thakurji supported the establishment of Sri Venkateswara Vedic University in 2006. The university hopes that its publication and research departments can make a major contribution and produce these kinds of works that are needed. In Tirupati, the university owns 147.65 acres of land. Under UGC, universities are recognized.
- Department of Krishna Yajurved
- Department of Suklayajurved
- Department of Samveda
- Department of Atharveda
- Department of Vaikhanasagama
- Department of Pancharathragama
- Department of Saivagama
- Department of Asvalayana paurohiyta
- Department of Apastambiya paurohitya
- Department of Vaikhanasa paurohitya
- Department of Paraskara Paurohitya
- Department of Suklayajurvedabhashya
- Department of Suklayajurvedabhashya
- Department of Samavedabhashya
- Department of Atharvavedabhashya
- Department of Kalpa
- Department of Purvamimamsa
- Department of Yoga
- Department of English
- Department of Computer Science
Extracurricular Activities:
- Yoga
- Sports
- Debate
- Traditional Cultural Practices
- Tours
- Music
- Seminars
Special Facilities: University offers certain incentives and facilities to those students pusing adhyana courses of Veda, Agama, Paurohita, Vedabhashya on traditional front will get:
- Rs. 1 lackh by the university at time of admission
- Free boarding and accommodation
- Free text books and note books
- Free clothes, oils and soaps.
- 20 gyms in campus
- Sports facilities
- Newspapers subscribed for the students
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